Go Deeper

Go deeper!

There are so many ways to go deeper with this film, but most especially deeper into conversion and relationship with God! Here are a few ideas:


Discuss the film! Make the evening go deeper than just watching a movie. We’ve prepared a PDF guide for you. 

If you don’t have a local community, please get plugged in! Search the database below:

We are scheduling local screenings now!

You have several screening options to help you evangelize your region! While many films can only be screened if you have reserved a large theater, paid a large licensing fee, and spending hours of planning etc… we want you to use this film to reach out to Christians from various traditions and encourage them to watch together. Hosting a screening helps show the film to more people, encourage discussion, allows time for prayer while helping us pay back the costs of the film production. Thank you! 

Let’s get started! 

Get started today!

How Screenings Work:

Book a Screening

Register your group to hold a screening! Screenings can be for a few people or thousands.

Make a Donation

We ask for a $5 suggested donation per person viewing the film as a licensing fee.

Select Materials

Select digital or DVD for your screener and what support you'd like for your film! We can do everything...or just send the DVD.

Hold Your Screening

Bring your community together with your own screening of the Preacher to the Popes!

Just click the “Book a Screening” button below to reserve your screening. You will have two selections to make:

  1. Estimate how many people you will have at your screening/your donation amount. We understand if you cannot donate $5 per person; we appreciate the donations you can make to help cover the expenses of the film. 
  2. Select your supplies for what kind of screener (DVD or digital) you prefer, any posters or other marketing materials, tech support, guest speakers, or registration support you need. 
  3. When you checkout, you will be asked a few questions about your specific screening and given an opportunity to schedule a one-on-one meeting with a screening coordinator to help you get ready! 
Book a Screening

This film sends a message to all the world. We are not really promoting Cardinal Cantalamessa. We are promoting the Holy Spirit using him the same way He wants to use each of us! We are not trying to simply show people that the last three popes listened to the same preacher for 40 plus years. We want to show that this is a message of Jesus Christ and Jesus is joy and hope. We want to help people understand the gifting God offers us, if we accept His offer of Grace. We need your help to touch as many souls as possible, from every Christian tradition, especially in this time when turning away from God seems to be happening on a massive scale.

Screening Options

  • Click on the icon below that best describes your group needs to learn more about that option.


Sell tickets for $10 (USD). Split the proceeds 50/50 with the film and your organization.

Free Screening

Make a donation for the screening cost and offer tickets for free.

Home Groups

License for your community home groups to watch the film in homes and small groups.

Christian Unity

Build up unity in your area by hosting a film screening with the larger community!

All Screenings Include:

Optional Add-Ons Include:

Request a Screening

Fill out a request and we'll work through the details together!

Fundraiser Screening Program


We want to support your organization while helping more people to see the film! We have set the ticket price of $10 (USD) per person for tickets. We ask you to stick with $10 unless you are offering a meal, using a theatre, etc… that justifies an additional fundraising expense. Ticket sales can be managed through our online platform it will save you time and energy.

Your organization makes $5 per person! If you have 500 people who purchase tickets, your organization will make approximately $2,500.

Book a Screening

Host a Screening with Free Tickets

Free Screening

If you prefer for screenings to be free for your participants you can directly donate the screening licensing fee of $5 per person. We can still set up reservations for free tickets for you to manage the logistics and give you whatever support you need.

Book a Screening

Watch in Small Groups

Home Groups

Does your community already meet in small groups in homes? Or do you need to avoid large gatherings? 

We actually prefer that this film be watched in small group settings that foster inviting friends and combining prayer and discussion in the screening! 

We can either provide copies of the film to be watched over the same week by your communities or host an online screening with discussion group breakouts for those not meeting in person to watch. 

Book a Screening

Christian Unity or Ecumenical Retreat

Christian Unity

The Unity of the Church is a high priority for each member of the clergy. Every Roman Catholic parish is responsible for the Christian Unity of their parish territory. Use this film to invite Christians of other traditions in your territory to an event during the Week of prayer for Christian Unity or Lent. We invite you to join with us to use this film as an inspiration and a starting point for an evening of prayer, reconciliation, conversion and ecumenical discussion. 

We encourage you to work with other churches in your area to coordinate a screening together! 

Book a Screening

Not quite ready to book a screening? Let us know what questions you have.

Ideally, we’d like to talk with you on zoom or the phone to help answer your questions. Please schedule a time here:

If you can't schedule a time right now, please use this form to ask your questions:

Book a Screening